Kubernetes 1.28 will be out soon, and it brings 44 new or improved enhancements:

  • 19 are new or improved Alpha enhancements that you can start testing.
  • 14 are Beta enhancements, enabled by default from now on.
  • 11 enhancements are considered Stable, and ready for prime time.

This version bring exciting quality of life improvements. Let’s tap into them.

The Hot Stuff

Four trends and enhancements catched our eye.

#753 Sidecar Container

It’s been years since the sidecar pattern started being promoted as a useful practice. Now it finally is a first-class citizen in Kubernetes.

Sidecars are auxiliary containers that sit along your main workloads to perform a bunch of tasks. For example, providing metrics, pre-fetching secrets, implementing service meshes, and more.

In Kubernetes 1.28 implementing a sidecar container is easier and more reliable. Kubernetes workloads will be more reliable as a result, making dev, admins, and users happier.

Read about the technical details of this feature.

Optimization on Jobs

Jobs got a lot of love in this release.

Kubernetes jobs can start a big number of repetitive paralell tasks at once, which is ideal for Machine Learning workloads. You can see how Kubernetes is becoming a big player in this area, thanks to their continuous improvements in tools like jobs.

We already discussed #753 Sidecar Container. This feature has a few surprises for job users, like making sure that sidecars won’t block a job completion.

The #3329 Retriable and non-retriable Pod failures for Jobs and #3850 Backoff Limit Per Index For Indexed Jobs enhancements will provide more granularity to handle failures on jobs. Some failures are temporary or expected, and handling them differently will prevent the failure of a whole job.

Finally #3939 Allow for recreation of pods once fully terminated in the job controller, provides more control options when handling jobs that have finished. For sure, helpful to avoid some edge cases and race conditions.

Again, improvements on Kubernetes jobs keep coming version after version, showing how much interest the (Machine Learning) community have on this feature.

Rolling Upgrades

Three new enhancements will make upgrades more reliable, and will reduce downtime. Definitely a quality of live improvement for administrators, for whom leaving the app in maintenance mode is a big fear.

With #4020 Unknown Version Interoperability Proxy, rolling upgrades of the cluster components will be better handled. Rolling upgrades meaning that not all the same components are upgraded at once, rather one by one, keeping old and new coexisting. In this case, when traffic is sent to a Kubernetes component that is down, it will be redirected to a peer that is ready.

Finally, #3836 Kube-proxy improved ingress connectivity reliability and #1669 Proxy terminating endpoints will reduce the amount of killed connections when doing rolling upgrades. When a Pod is terminated to leave room for the new version, all its connections are killed too, leaving customers unhappy. With these enhancements, these connections will be let alone, letting the Pod terminate gracefully.

Maintenance is a bit less scary with Kubernetes 1.28.

#1731 Publishing Kubernetes Packages on Community Infrastructure

The Kubernetes project keeps on their efforts to decouple from Google’s infrastructure, the Kubernetes project is providing community owned repositories for their deb and yum packages.

Definitely a sign of maturity that will make the community stronger and will drive more contributors to the project.


#2340 Consistent Reads From Cache

SIG group: sig-api-machinery
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: ConsistentListFromCache Default: false

This enhancement will improve the performance of some API requests like GET or LIST, by reading information from the watch cache of etcd, instead of reading it from etcd itself.

This is possible thanks to WatchProgressRequest in etcd 3.4+, and will improve performance and scalability hugely on big deployments like 5k+ node clusters.

If you wanna read more about the technical details and how data consistency is ensured, tap into the KEP.

#3157 Allow Informers for Getting a Stream of Data Instead of Chunking

SIG group: sig-api-machinery
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: WatchList Default: false

This feature build on top of the previous (#2340 Consistent Reads from Cache) to improve performance of the API server even further. In particular aiming to reduce memory usage when processing LIST requests.

If enabled, whoever wants data from the API server can stream (WATCH) the changes as they happen instead of pulling a complete LIST each time they need updated info.

If you wanna read more about the technical details, tap into the KEP.

#4020 Unknown Version Interoperability Proxy

SIG group: sig-api-machinery
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: UnknownVersionInteroperabilityProxy Default: false

During cluster upgrades, in a cluster with several API servers, it may happen that not every kube-apiserver has the data to handle every request. For example, if they are running on different versions.

Starting in Kubernetes 1.28 kube-apiserver can proxy resource requests to the right peers. This mechanism is called Mixed Version Proxy.

If you wanna read more about the rationale, and the edge cases, check the KEP and the documentation.

#4008 CRD Validation Ratcheting

SIG group: sig-api-machinery
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: CRDValidationRatcheting Default: false

One of the main issues when working with CustomResourceDefinition (CDR) is managing the changes to the definition schemas.

Take this example CDR schema:

        type: string
        type: string

That we use to deploy the following resource:

apiVersion: stable.example.com/v1
kind: MyCRD
fieldA: ""

If we update fieldA to now require minLength: 2, we will get validation errors when working with the existing resources.

For example, if we add a field to our existing resource:

apiVersion: stable.example.com/v1
kind: MyCRD
fieldA: ""
fieldB: new field value

We will get a validation error, as fieldA is not compliant with minLength: 2.

This makes sense, but it is very painful and inconvenient. The resource is not compliant, ok, but it’s already deployed… ¡Let me work with it!

Starting with Kubernetes 1.28 these kind of edits will be allowed. As long as you don’t modify the fields with new validation rules, you’ll be able to work with your custom resources without fear of getting unexpected validation errors.

Related: #2876 CRD Validation Expression Language.

#2876 CRD Validation Expression Language

SIG group: sig-api-machinery
Stage: Graduating to Beta
Feature Gate: CustomResourceValidationExpressions Default: true

This enhancement adds the means to define validation rules for custom resources, right next to their definition:

apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
      type: object
            - rule: "minReplicas <= maxReplicas"
              message: "minReplicas cannot be larger than maxReplicas"
          type: object
              type: integer
              type: integer

Now validation can take place without the need of webhooks. Less webhooks makes it easier for admins to maintain the cluster.

Also, this information is declared in such a way that it’s easy to read by other applications.

This feature has been in Beta since Kubernetes 1.25. In Kubernetes 1.28 new reason and fieldPath fields have been added.

  • reason: A machine readable message to be returned in case the validation fails.
  • fieldPath: The fieldPath of the field (i.e. .foo.test.x) to be returned when the validation fails. You may want to customize this value on some complex structures, or some cases where you are comparing several fields against each other.

#3488 CEL for Admission Control

SIG group: sig-api-machinery
Stage: Graduating to Beta
Feature Gate: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy Default: true

Building on top of (#2876) CRD Validation Expression Language, you can define validation rules for the Kubernetes admission controller using the new Common Expression Language.

For example, you can define a policy that would fail if a request tries to create an object with more than 5 replicas:

apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy
  name: "demo-policy.example.com"
  failurePolicy: Fail
    - apiGroups:   ["apps"]
      apiVersions: ["v1"]
      operations:  ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
      resources:   ["deployments"]
    - expression: "object.spec.replicas <= 5"

And then use it on a binding, so Kubernetes denies request that doesn’t pass this rule.

apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding
  name: "demo-binding-test.example.com"
  policyName: "demo-policy.example.com"
  validationActions: [Deny]
        environment: test

Read the Kubernetes documentation for more info on the Validating Admission Policy.

#3716 CEL-Based Admission Webhook Match Conditions

SIG group: sig-api-machinery
Stage: Graduating to Beta
Feature Gate: AdmissionWebhookMatchConditions Default: true

This enhancement adds the possibility to fine-tune what requests should be evaluated by a Kubernetes admission controller webhook.

You can define filtering rules using the new Common Expression Language (#3488) on the new matchConditions field of a Webhook:

apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
  - name: 'exclude-kubelet-requests'
    expression: '!("system:nodes" in request.userInfo.groups)'

If several conditions are present, a request must pass all of them to be evaluated by a webhook.


#3939 Allow for Recreation of Pods Once Fully Terminated in The Job Controller

SIG group: sig-apps
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: JobPodReplacementPolicy Default: false

Currently, as soon as a Job finishes (either successfully or not) enters a state of termination. Before it is fully terminated, a new Job may be created to replace it.

However, this is problematic for some workloads that need the jobs to be fully terminated.

You can now choose this alternate behaviour by setting the podReplacementPolicy field to Failed (the default being FailedOrTerminating).

kind: Job
  name: new
  podReplacementPolicy: Failed

#3850 Backoff Limit Per Index For Indexed Jobs

SIG group: sig-apps
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: JobBackoffLimitPerIndex Default: false

Currently, you can set a backoffLimit on jobs to define the max number of retries before considering the whole Job as failed.

You can fine tune this for indexed jobs in Kubernetes 1.28, and set retry limits per index.

Each index can fail up to backoffLimitPerIndex times, before being condiered as failed.

You can also set a limit on indexes failed with the maxFailedIndexes field.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Job
  parallelism: 10
  completions: 10
  completionMode: Indexed
  backoffLimitPerIndex: 1
  maxFailedIndexes: 10

In this example, each index can fail up to one time. The moment 10 indexes fail, the whole Job gets marked as Failed and the Job controller terminates all remaining pods.

#4026 Add Job Creation Timestamp to Job Annotations

SIG group: sig-apps
Stage: Graduating to Beta
Feature Gate: CronJobCreationAnnotation Default: true

The CronJob controller now offers the timestamp when a job is expected t obe running.

`batch.kubernetes.io/cronjob-scheduled-timestamp: "2016-05-19T03:00:00-07:00"`

#3329 Retriable and Non-Retriable Pod Failures for Jobs

SIG group: sig-apps
Stage: Graduating to Beta
Feature Gate: JobPodFailurePolicy Default: true

This enhancement allows you to use podFailurePolicy to control how to manage failures for pods in jobs, and allow retries without counting for the backoffLimit.

With the following example:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: job-pod-failure-policy-failjob
  backoffLimit: 6
    - action: FailJob
        containerName: main
        operator: In
        values: [42]

For this specific app, if a job exits with error code 42 we know it’s a bug and this job should fail instead of being retied (action: FailJob).

In this other case:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: job-pod-failure-policy-ignore
  backoffLimit: 0
    - action: Ignore
      - type: DisruptionTarget

We ignore (action: Ignore) the cases where pods fail due to external disruptions (i.e. an admin drains the node and the pods gets evicted). The Pod will be retried without counting for the backoffLimit.

#4017 Add Pod Index Label for StatefulSets and Indexed Jobs

SIG group: sig-apps
Stage: Graduating to Beta
Feature Gate: PodIndexLabel Default: true

With this featured enabled, the Job and StatefulSet controllers provide the pod index as a label:

  • For jobs: batch.kubernetes.io/job-completion-index
  • For stateful sets: apps.kubernetes.io/pod-index


#3299 KMS v2 Improvements

SIG group: sig-auth
Stage: Graduating to Beta
Feature Gate: KMSv2 Default: true

This enhancement comprises the work to create a v2 of the Key Management Service (KMS), to solve some of the main issues of v1.

The problems being:

  1. Performance: When starting a cluster, it needs to fetch and decrypt all the resources to fill the kube-apiserver cache. This may take some time, and hit some API rate limits, delaying the cluster startup.
  2. Key rotation: In v1, this is manual (error prone) process.
  3. Health check and status: In v1, it is required to perform encrypted calls to KMS plugins on performance checks.
  4. Observability: The lack of trace IDs makes it hard to correlate and investigate events across logs.

V2 addresses this by:

  1. A new key hierarchy has been implemented to reduce network request to the remote vault.
  2. Extra metadata in KMS plugins allows kube-apiserver to rotate keys without a restart.
  3. A new status API can be used by KMS plugins to provide health information to the API server.
  4. A new UID field is available on EncryptRequest and DecryptRequest.

If you wanna tap into more detail, check this article in the Kubernetes.io blog: Kubernetes 1.25: KMS V2 Improvements.

#2799 Reduction of Secret-based Service Account Tokens

SIG group: sig-auth
Stage: Graduating to Beta
Feature Gate: LegacyServiceAccountTokenTracking Default: true Feature Gate: LegacyServiceAccountTokenCleanUp Default: true

Since Kubernetes 1.22, pods’ service accounts can obtain tokens from the TokenRequest API instead of auto generating them.

This enhancement comprises the work to reduce the old style auto-generated tokens.

In a first step (Kubernetes 1.24) the auto creation of secrets for service accounts was disabled, and users were encouraged to use the new API.

Now, Kubernetes 1.28 will purge unused auto-generated tokens for these accounts. Tokens are considered unused after one year by default.

#3325 Auth API to Get Self User Attributes

SIG group: sig-auth
Stage: Graduating to Stable
Feature Gate: APISelfSubjectReview Default: true

This API provides information about who are you authenticated as, either if you are a user, or a ServiceAccount:

  "apiVersion": "authentication.k8s.io/v1alpha1",
  "kind": "SelfSubjectReview",
  "status": {
    "userInfo": {
      "name": "jane.doe",
      "uid": "b6c7cfd4-f166-11ec-8ea0-0242ac120002",
      "groups": [
      "extra": {
        "provider_id": ["token.company.example"]

You can also use a CLI command to get this information:

kubectl alpha auth whoami

This can be useful to troubleshoot authentication issues.


#3895 Kubectl Delete: Add Interactive(-i) Flag

SIG group: sig-cli
Stage: Net New to Alpha

When this new -i or --interactive flag is present on kubectl delete, the following will happen:

  • The user will be shown a preview of the objects to be deleted.
  • The user will be able to confirm or cancel the deletion.
$ kubectl delete --interactive -f test_deployment.yaml 
You are about to delete the following 2 resource(s):
Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
deployment.apps "dockerd" deleted
deployment.apps "dockerd2" deleted

#1440 Kubectl Events

SIG group: sig-cli
Stage: Graduating to Stable

The new kubectl events is created to replace kubectl get events to scape some of the limitations of the kubectl get command.

Listing events is a bit more different that other type of objects. For example you may want more control on the --watch option, or you may want to do advanced filtering.

In Kubernetes 1.28 this new command is now stable.


#3498 Extend Metrics Stability

SIG group: sig-instrumentation
Stage: Graduating to Beta

Originally metrics were classified only between stable and alpha.

You could check for this classification, and you would know that if a metric is stable it would be safe to use. However, if it was alpha, you knew its definition could change alogn the way breaking things.

This enhancement adds two new stability levels:

  • Internal: Low-level metrics which do not correspod to features, and don’t really provide actionable information to admins.
  • Beta: Metrics that are a bit more mature than alpha, but are not stable yet.

The beta metrics offer more security than alpha ones in the sense that they won’t be removed without being deprecated first.

They also offer forward compatibility, meaning that the alerts and queries that you create with them will still work in the future.


#3836 Kube-proxy Improved Ingress Connectivity Reliability

SIG group: sig-network
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: KubeProxyDrainingTerminatingNodes Default: false

This enhancement adds some features to kube-proxy to better manage the health of connections.

In particular:

  1. Once a node is terminating, kube-proxy won’t immediately terminate all the connections and will let them terminate gracefully.
  2. A new /livez path is added where vendors and users can define a livenessProbe to determine kube-proxy health. This method is more specific than just checking if the node is terminating.
  3. Provide guidelines for vendors to implement those health checks (Aligning them into a standard is not a goal at this stage).


#2681 Field status.hostIPs Added for Pod

SIG group: sig-network
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: PodHostIPs Default: false

Currently pods can check their host IP on the status.hostIP field. However, this field can only store one IP, and for some time Kubernetes allows for a dual stack setup (both IPv4 and IPv6).

A new status.hostIPs (note the final s) field has been added in Kubernetes 1.28 that will contain an array with all the host IPs.


#3668 Reserve NodePort Ranges for Dynamic and Static Allocation

SIG group: sig-network
Stage: Graduating to Beta
Feature Gate: ServiceNodePortStaticSubrange Default: true

When using a NodePort service, you may want to allocate a port statically, manually defining which port to use within the service-node-port-range (default 30000-32767).

However, you may find that your port has been already assigned dynamically to another service.

This new feature reserves the first ports in service-node-port-range to be assigned statically.

The number of reserved ports is defined by this formula min(max(16, nodeport-size / 32), 128), which returns a number between 16 and 128.

For example, for the default range (30000-32767), it returns 86 ports. The range 30000-30085 will be reserved for static allocations, the rest for dynamic allocations.

If you wanna learn more, check the Kubernetes.io blog Kubernetes 1.27: Avoid Collisions Assigning Ports to NodePort Services.

#3458 Remove Transient Node Predicates From KCCM’s Service Controller

SIG group: sig-network
Stage: Graduating to Beta
Feature Gate: StableLoadBalancerNodeSet Default: true

This enhancement will change the way in which nodes are removed from the load balancer’s node.

Currently nodes are removed as soon as they are marked as terminating, either because they get the ToBeDeletedByClusterAutoscaler taint, or when the node is NotReady.

This triggers a chain of events that is not desirable in some cases:

  • Connections are terminated immediately.
  • load balancers are re-synced, which can cause too many API calls that triggers some rate-limits on cloud providers.

In two cases this behavior is not desired:

  • When a node is temporarily not ready.
  • When a node is terminating, and we want for connections to end gracefully.

For those cases you can enable this feature. Then nodes won’t be removed from the load balancer’s node until fully deleted in the API server.


#3685 Move EndpointSlice Reconciler into Staging

SIG group: sig-network
Stage: Graduating to Stable

This enhancement comprises the work done to expose the EndpointSlice reconciler logic, so it can be used in custom Endpoint controllers.

This means refactor the code to move it from pkg/controller/endpointslice into a separate Go module staging/src/k8s.io/endpointslice. This new module will be easy to import into other projects.

If you want to read the implementation details, tap into the KEP.

#3453 Minimizing iptables-restore Input Size

SIG group: sig-network
Stage: Graduating to Stable
Feature Gate: MinimizeIPTablesRestore Default: true

This enhancement aims to improve kube-proxy performance in iptables mode. It will do so by changing the way iptables-restore works.

Now the calls to iptables-restore won’t need to include the rules that haven’t changed.

If you want to read the implementation details, tap into the KEP.

#3178 Cleaning up IPTables Chain Ownership

SIG group: sig-network
Stage: Graduating to Stable
Feature Gate: IPTablesOwnershipCleanup Default: true

Some components of Kubernetes, like kubelet and kube-proxy, create iptables chains for their internal usage.

Those weren’t meant to be used by third-party components, but they were sometimes.

With the deletion of dockershim and other code cleaning some of these chains are not needed and are being removed.

If you wanna read more about the rationale behind this change, check out the Kubernetes.io blog Kubernetes’s IPTables Chains Are Not API.

#2595 Expanded DNS Configuration

SIG group: sig-network
Stage: Graduating to Stable
Feature Gate: ExpandedDNSConfig Default: true

This enhancement reduces some limits for the DNS configuration.

In particular allows for more DNS search paths, and longer DNS search paths lists.

  • MaxDNSSearchPaths increases from 6 to 32.
  • MaxDNSSearchListChars increases from 256 to 2048.

#1669 Proxy Terminating Endpoints

SIG group: sig-network
Stage: Graduating to Stable
Feature Gate: ProxyTerminatingEndpoints Default: true

This enhancement improves how kube-proxy sends traffic to Endpoints that are terminating. It prioritizes Ready endpoints that are not terminating, and if all endpoints are terminating, it prioritizes those that are still Ready or Serving.

This aims to improve reliability in situations like rolling updates, where all endpoints may be terminating at some point.

If you wanna read more about this feature, check out the Kubernetes.io blog Advancements in Kubernetes Traffic Engineering.



#4138 [KEP-3085] Add Condition for Sandbox Creation

SIG group: sig-node
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: PodReadyToStartContainersCondition Default: false

Starting with Kubernetes 1.28 there will be a new Pod status.conditions available: PodReadyToStartContainers.

This condition will be true when the Pod:

  • Has a sandbox in the container runtime.
  • The sandbox has networking configured.

This extra info may be useful in some cases:

  • For cluster admins, to track metrics and calculate how long it takes to start pods.
  • In future implementations of Kubernetes controllers, this information may be useful to tweak and optimize their behavior.

#4033 Discover cgroup Driver From CRI

SIG group: sig-node
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: KubeletCgroupDriverFromCRI Default: false

Currently you configure the cgroup driver in two places:

  • Your container runtime.
  • In kubelet.

If this configuration mismatches can lead to hard to troubleshoot issues.

Starting with Kubernetes 1.28 you can let kubelet detect what is the cgroup driver that the container is using.

For this detection to work, the container runtime must supports the RuntimeConfig CRI call. If not, kubelet will fall back to the cgroupDriver configuration setting.

#3983 Add Support for a Drop-in kubelet Configuration Directory

SIG group: sig-node
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: ElasticIndexedJob Default: false Env variable: KUBELET_CONFIG_DROPIN_DIR_ALPHA

In Kubernetes 1.28 you can set up a configuration directoy, similar to what is possible right now with kubelet.

You can add the --config-dir CLI option, with files ended in .conf and content like:

apiVersion: kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: KubeletConfiguration
address: ""

This can be useful to separate a single configuration into several logical groups. For example having separate config files for authentication and DNS.

Keep in mind that for this feature to work, you must also set the environment variable KUBELET_CONFIG_DROPIN_DIR_ALPHA to any value.

#753 Sidecar Containers

SIG group: sig-node
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: SidecarContainers Default: false

The sidecar pattern has been around for a long time, and it’s been used for service meshes, gathering metrics, fetching secrets, and more. However, implementing it hasn’t been trivial, or hassle free.

Up until now there wasn’t a way to say “hey, this is a sidecar container”. As a result, sidecar containers could be killed before the main container finishes, or stay alive after messing up with jobs.

Now you can set a new restartPolicy field to Always on an init container, and Kubernetes will handle it differently:

  • The kubelet won’t wait until the container has finished, instead it will only wait until the startup has completed.
  • It will be restarted, unless the sidecar fails during startup and the Pod restartPolicy is Never. In this case the whole pod will fail.
  • The sidecar container will keep running for as long as the main container runs.
  • The sidecar container will be terminated once all regular containers complete. In this way, they won’t prevent jobs from completing after the main container has finished.
kind: Pod
  - name: vault-agent
    image: hashicorp/vault:1.12.1
  - name: istio-proxy
    image: istio/proxyv2:1.16.0
    args: ["proxy", "sidecar"]
    restartPolicy: Always

#4009 Add CDI Devices to Device Plugin API

SIG group: sig-node
Stage: Net New to Alpha
Feature Gate: DevicePluginCDIDevices Default: false

This enhancement builds upon #3063 dynamic resource allocation, and allows device plugin authors to forward request to the container runtimes.

#3063 Dynamic Resource Allocation

SIG group: sig-node
Stage: Graduating to Alpha
Feature Gate: DynamicResourceAllocation Default: false

When dynamic resource allocation is enabled, pods can define what resources they need beyond CPU and memory.

This is useful in edge setups, where there may be deployed sensors or other devices; and in ML workloads, where they need access to a GPU.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-with-gpu
  - name: container-with-gpu
    image: ubuntu:22.04
      - name: gpu-1
  - name: gpu-1
      resourceClaimTemplateName: resources-gpu

Dynamic resource allocation is the name of this new API for requesting and sharing resources: resource.k8s.io/v1alpha2. Resources will need their own specific driver.

Although this feature was introduced in Kubernetes 1.26, it continues to evolve on each version as an Alpha.

Related: #4009 Add CDI devices to device plugin API

#127 Support User Namespaces in Pods

SIG group: sig-node
Stage: Graduating to Alpha
Feature Gate: UserNamespacesStatelessPodsSupport Default: false

By adding support for user namespaces in Kubernetes, you’ll be able to run processes in pods with a different user than in the host.

For example, a process in a Pod that runs as root may be running as an unprivileged user in the host. If that process is compromised, and escapes the container, the damage it can make will be limited.

For now, this is a Linux only feature, and it relies on idmap mounts on the filesystems used. You will need:

  • At least a Linux 6.3 Kernel.
  • A filesystem that supports idmap (i.e. ext4, btrfs, xfs, fat, …).
  • A container runtime with support for idmap (i.e. CRI-O 1.25, containerd 1.7)

#3545 Improved Multi-Numa Alignment in Topology Manager

SIG group: sig-node
Stage: Graduating to Beta
Feature Gate: TopologyManagerPolicyOptions Default: true Feature Gate: TopologyManagerPolicyBetaOptions Default: true

When execution latency is a concern, you need to be aware of what CPU cores your workloads are running on.

Server tend to have multi socket systems, and modern AMD CPUs are made of several chips on the same package. In those system those cores don’t share an L2 cache, but rather an L3 or L4 one. This means that if your workload jumps from one core to another, you need extra time to move their context as well.

This enhancement makes Kubernetes aware of these topologies, so it tries to place workloads in cores that are closer to each other.

You enable this behavior by setting the prefer-closest-numa-nodes policy option on the TopologyManager.

If you want to read more on the implementation details and the mathematics of this, tap into the KEP. You can also get extra info in the Kubernetes documentation

#2400 Node Memory Swap Support

SIG group: sig-node
Stage: Graduating to Beta
Feature Gate: NodeSwap Default: true

Kubernetes support for swap on Linux nodes enters the beta stage.

To enable it you need to:

  • Disable the failSwapOn setting.
  • Enable the NodeSwap feature gate.
  • Define the swapBehavior.
apiVersion: "kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta3"
kind: InitConfiguration
apiVersion: kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: KubeletConfiguration
failSwapOn: false
  NodeSwap: true
  swapBehavior: LimitedSwap

You can choose two different strategies for swapBehavior:

  • UnlimitedSwap: The default option. Kubernetes workloads can use as much swap memory as they want (within the system limits).
  • LimitedSwap: Only Pods with Burstable QoS can use swap memory.

If you are interested, you can get more details on this article from Kubernetes 1.22. Stay tuned, an updated blog article is being prepared for shortly after the Kubernetes 1.28 release.

#3673 Kubelet Limit of Parallel Image Pulls

SIG group: sig-node
Stage: Graduating to Beta \

By default, kubelet downloads images one after another. You can disable the kubelet config serialize-image-pulls option, so images can be downloaded in paralell.

This enhancement adds control over this paralell download of images.

You can set the maxParallelImagePulls option to define how many images a node can download at the same time.

By default this option is set to 0, meaning there is no limit.

#2403 Extend PodResources API to Report Allocatable Resources

SIG group: sig-node
Stage: Graduating to Stable
Feature Gate: KubeletPodResourcesGetAllocatable Default: true

This endpoint to fetch information on the allocatable compute resources on a node is finally stable.

The information offered by the GetAllocatableResources gRPC endpoint, combined with the on from the pod resources API endpoint, allows to calculate a node’s capacity.

Get more information on the Kubernetes documentation.

#3743 Graduate the Kubelet PodResources Endpoint to GA

SIG group: sig-node
Stage: Graduating to Stable
Feature Gate: KubeletPodResources Default: true

This enhancement comprises the work to bring the device plugin monitoring service (#606 Support 3rd party device monitoring plugins) to stable in Kubernetes 1.28.

It allows to monitor what resources are provided by device plugins, the mapping to what pods are using them, and other metrics.


#1731 Publishing Kubernetes Packages on Community Infrastructure

SIG group: sig-release
Stage: Net New to Alpha

Following on the recent change on image repositories, and aiming to decouple the project from Google’s infrastructure, the Kubernetes project is providing community owned repositories for their deb and yum packages.

The new repository pkgs.k8s.io adds to the existing apt.kubernetes.io and yum.kubernetes.io. The old ones will be deprecated at some point in the future.

Stay tuned to the Kubernetes.io blog, a new post will be published around release time with instructions to migrate to the new repos.


#1790 Support Recovery From Volume Expansion Failure

SIG group: sig-storage
Stage: Graduating to Alpha
Feature Gate: RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure Default: false

For some time it’s been possible to recover from a failure when expanding a volume. For example, if you requested a size bigger than the CSI driver allows, you were able to recover by requesting a smaller size (bigger than the original size before the increase).

In Kubernetes 1.28, the pvc.Status.ResizeStatus which contained information about the resizing process has changed. It has been renamed to pvc.Status.AllocatedResourceStatus, and now is a map able to contain multiple resources and their status.

#3762 PersistentVolume Last Phase Transition Time

SIG group: sig-storage
Stage: Graduating to Alpha
Feature Gate: PersistentVolumeLastPhaseTransitionTime Default: false

The persistent volume status now contains a lastPhaseTransitionTime field with the timestamp for the last phase transition of the volume.

For example, when a volume is left unclaimed and changes phase to Released.

This field, besides providing information to admins, will be very valuable for performance tests. It will also be useful when investigating issues like the data loss some user have experienced when changing the retain policy from Delete to Retain.

#2268 Non-graceful Node Shutdown

SIG group: sig-storage
Stage: Graduating to Stable
Feature Gate: NodeOutOfServiceVolumeDetach Default: true

This enhancement allows a Kubernetes cluster to prepare for a shutdown, terminate the pods gracefully, properly releasing all the resources.

You can do this by adding the out-of-service taint on the node:

kubectl taint nodes <node-name> node.kubernetes.io/out-of-service=nodeshutdown:NoExecute

In Kubernetes 1.28, some minor improvements were made to this feature:

  • The force_delete_pods_total and force_delete_pod_errors_total metrics now account for all forceful pod deletions. Also, the metric will include the reason why the pod is deleted (terminated, orphaned, terminating due to out-of-service, or terminating and unscheduled).
  • The attachdetach_controller_forced_detaches also contains a reason to know if the detach is caused by out-of-service or a timeout.

Stay tuned to the Kubernetes.io blog, a new post will be published around release time with more info.

#3333 Retroactive Default StorageClass Assignement

SIG group: sig-storage
Stage: Graduating to Stable
Feature Gate: RetroactiveDefaultStorageClass Default: true

Currently if you create a PersistentVolumeClaim without specifying a storageClassName for the new PVC. If you don’t have a default class defined, your PVC will remain undefined, and you can go back and change this value later on.

This enhancement changes this behaviour so that when you create a default StorageClass, it will be applied to all PVCs without a defined class.

Other Changes and Deprecations

Things that are deprecated and will stop working:

  • The NetworkPolicyStatus feature.
  • kubectl version now returns kubectl version --short, --short flag is removed.

Things that have changed or are removed and there’s an alternative:

  • Metrics:
    • scheduler_scheduler_goroutines âžś scheduler_goroutines.
  • azureFile in-tree storage plugin, use the CSI driver instead.
  • node-role.kubernetes.io/master: --non-blocking-taints no longer in the default value, add it manually if needed.
  • k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/cri/streaming âžś k8s.io/kubelet/pkg/cri/streaming.
  • KMSv1 âžś Use KMSv2, or set --feature-gates=KMSv1=true.
  • Test suites replaced by the new table driven e2e tests:
    • NetworkPolicyLegacy.
    • TestPerPodSchedulingMetrics.
  • kube-scheduler: --lock-object-namespace and --lock-object-name âžś --leader-elect-resource-namespace and --leader-elect-resource-name.
  • pvc.Status: resizeStatus âžś AllocatedResourceStatus

Things that will stop working soon and you need to start planning for a replacement:

  • CephFS in-tree volume plugin: Use the CephFS CSI driver instead.
  • RBD in-tree volume plugin: Use the RBD CSI driver instead.
  • k8s.io/code-generator: generate_groups.sh and generate_internal_groups.sh âžś kube_codegen.sh.
  • kube-controller-manager: --volume-host-cidr-denylist and --volume-host-allow-local-loopback flags.
  • Kubelet: --azure-container-registry-config âžś --image-credential-provider-config and --image-credential-provider-bin-dir.
  • For custom scheduler plugin developers: In EnqueueExtension, EnqueueExtension changed some return values.
  • Metrics:
    • apiserver_flowcontrol_request_concurrency_in_use âžś apiserver_flowcontrol_current_executing_seats.
    • apiserver_storage_db_total_size_in_bytes âžś apiserver_storage_size_bytes metric.

Other minor changes you may want to read more about:

  • metrics server bumped to v0.6.3.
  • metrics server metric-resolution is now 15s.
  • Klog text output now uses JSON as encoding for structs, maps and slices.
  • etcd updated to 3.5.9-0.
  • cri-tools updated to v1.27.0.
  • distroless-iptables bumped to 0.2.6.

API version changes:

  • KubeSchedulerConfiguration: v1beta2 âžś v1.
  • SelfSubjectReview: v1beta1 âžś v1.
  • ValidatingAdmissionPolicy: v1alpha1 âžś v1beta1.
  • ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding: v1alpha1 âžś v1beta1.


Thanks for catching up on the latest Kubernetes version with us!

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